Like Water (or bridge to the abyss)

You stand on the edge of a great abyss and look down into a dark hole of mist and shadow. The abyss is terrifying, yet intriguing. Your body feels like a giant magnet is pulling you down into the rising froth.

To regain your self-control, you step back and survey the area around you: it is brightly illuminated, and the air is cool and comfortable. You try to plant your feet firmly on the smooth rock.

On your right a waterfall plunges into the abyss. It comes from a wide river with churning rapids. You walk back along the river and observe that, upstream, the river infiltrates cracks in the rocky riverbank that lead to numerous small hollows. The water settles into and takes the form of those small hollows. Depending on the ebb and flow of the river, the water adjusts, streaming into the abyss or drifting into the hollows of the riverbank.

Several days pass, and you build many things, but you still feel uncomfortable not knowing what you’re doing.

One day you are again standing by the river, and you notice another bank of rock on the other side. You wonder what or who may be over there. You decide to build a footbridge to the other side. You don’t know how to build a bridge, so you imagine a library with all sorts of books where you can research all things about bridges because you would like your bridge to look interesting as well as be able to hold your weight. The library appears, and you read about approaches to make your bridge. You organize your day into time for planning, time to eat, time for research, time to experiment with materials, and occasionally time to sleep. You learn to work inductively and deductively, to react to ideas with preliminary sketches and studies until you finally think you have found the best way to build a unique and functional footbridge. In addition, wood suddenly shouts: “I want to be your bridge!” You begin building the bridge with wood and make good progress.

When you get halfway across the river, you notice a large rabbit sitting and watching you on the other side.

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