The virtual reality of the digital and the Internet co-exists with the actual; they move in many directions and shape each other. Similarly, art making experiments with hybrid practices and new mixtures of materials, often employing advances in science and technology, to transform substrate, fabric, and meaning. The mutual fabric of making contains “super strings” that simultaneously pull on the past, present, and future. As an artist I became aware of my own making as a process enfolding itself with art history and, more recently, engaging with the digital–a continual process of tying and re-tying. This process includes my vested interest in each image and in the idea of fabric as a fluid visual and conceptual entity.
Pattern Matrices are visual dances of repeating elements that seek to uncover universal connections and a sense of underlying joy, sublimity, or beauty. The wrinkling, veiling, folding, unfolding, expanding, and contracting that goes into making a digital pattern unit creates a virtual, theoretical space of spontaneity and reciprocity. The pattern units move from chaotic beginnings of uncertainty toward organization and meaning–the resulting patterns holding complex webs of making that simultaneously become and decay.